The Path Forward

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In a global environment of evolving economic pressures, geopolitical tensions and cutting-edge technological advancements, the significance of an adaptive, tech-driven strategy in combating financial crime is more critical than ever. Our findings spotlight the importance of technological adoption in anti-money laundering efforts, alongside the complexities of customer onboarding and monitoring.

The recurrent theme of balancing transparency and privacy, notably in beneficial ownership, calls for cautious navigation. Likewise, in environmental, social and governance reporting, businesses must align with evolving standards to avoid the pitfalls of greenwashing and fraud.

The dynamic sanctions landscape and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies present unique challenges. Companies must leverage technology to ensure compliance and mitigate risk. The anticipated surge in anti-bribery and corruption enforcement actions underscores the necessity of a proactive approach.

As we look towards the future, the convergence of technology, geopolitics and financial crime brings an intricate web of risks but also opportunities. Compliance officers, regulators and risk analysts play a crucial role in this complex environment, highlighting the importance of continuous learning, adaptation and a firm commitment to ethical conduct and good governance.

In the face of this dynamically evolving landscape, the role of the compliance function remains more crucial than ever. It is our sincere hope that 2023 serves as a turning point, a year when we not only recognize the challenges posed by financial crimes but also identify and implement impactful strategies to combat them. Harnessing technology advancements, strengthening governance and fostering transparency will be key to our collective success in this ongoing fight against financial crime.

We extend our gratitude to all those involved in this endeavor, from our survey participants to the passionate professionals committed to reducing financial crime. Your insights, contributions and commitment provide a vital roadmap in this time of uncertainty. Kroll remains ready to collaborate with you, lending expertise and assistance to boost your financial crime compliance and to meet your program objectives. As we move forward, let’s strive for a future marked by resilience, responsibility and progress in our collective fight against financial crime.

Anti-Money Laundering

Kroll’s anti-money laundering (AML) solutions are designed to help minimize the risks associated with money laundering and other illicit activities and to ensure compliance through the development and management of ongoing compliance programs and processes.

AML Compliance Due Diligence

Kroll helps clients navigate the complexities of today’s regulatory environment through a broad suite of anti-money laundering compliance screening and due diligence offers.


Kroll helps clients mitigate and respond to the risks associated with international anti-corruption legislation.

Financial Crime Prevention

Financial crime risk has again risen to the top of the regulatory agenda, and remains one of the most immediate risks for many firms, with criminals constantly seeking new ways to circumvent protective controls.

Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions

Kroll provides comprehensive AML support to all financial service firms in the UK and abroad.