Penetration Testing Services

Validate your cyber defenses against real-world threats. Kroll’s world-class penetration testing services bring together front-line threat intelligence, thousands of hours of cyber security assessments completed each year and a team of certified cyber experts — the foundation for our sophisticated and scalable approach.
Talk to an Expert

What is Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing, or pen testing, is a widely used testing strategy to find, investigate and remediate found vulnerabilities in your network or applications. Pen testers use the same tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) as cyber adversaries to simulate a genuine attack against your organization.

With a routine pen testing cadence, your organization can reduce cyber risk by finding vulnerabilities and addressing them before cybercriminals can compromise your infrastructure, systems, applications or personnel.

How Pen Testing Benefits Your Business

How Pen Testing Benefits Your Business
Remediate Vulnerabilities Before an Attack Occurs
How Pen Testing Benefits Your Business
Demonstrate Compliance
How Pen Testing Benefits Your Business
Validate Your Existing Security Controls
How Pen Testing Benefits Your Business
Identify Areas for Future Security Investments

Available and Scalable: Kroll’s Comprehensive Approach to Pen Testing

Pentesting Services

Kroll has built the foundation and experience needed to handle large-scale, complex penetration testing engagements, including for the world’s top companies in industries from media and entertainment to critical infrastructure.

We’ve developed a sophisticated approach that includes a comprehensive, in-house team dedicated to providing you with the structure and management background needed to scale and adapt your pen testing program based on your business drivers.

Kroll also boasts a very unique pen testing advantage: the insights provided by our world-class incident response practice, which feed our certified cyber experts the information they need to test against the exploits attackers are executing today.

Certified to the Highest Global Industry Standards

Offensive Security
Offensive Security

Kroll’s Six-phase Penetration Testing Approach

Scoping Your Pen Testing Project

A successful pen testing project starts by clearly defining the goals and objectives of the assessment. Our experts work with your team to determine what type of penetration testing is needed and to define the assets that will be within the scope of the pen test.

Reconnaissance and Intelligence Gathering

Kroll collects and examines publicly available information about your company and employees, including examining public websites, social media, domain registries and dark web data, that could be used to compromise your organization.

Scanning and Vulnerability Analysis

We conduct a full assessment of network infrastructure and applications to gain a complete picture of your organization’s attack surface.

Threat Modeling Exercise

Kroll experts use the gathered intelligence to identify potential attack vectors and vulnerabilities to exploit and to then develop a plan of attack for testing.

Attack Execution

Our team of cyber investigators attack the identified vulnerabilities to attempt to access your organization’s environment using methods employed by real-life adversaries.

Reporting and Advisory

We provide a final report summarizing our actions during testing, including details on any weaknesses we identified and includes remediation guidance on how to effectively address those risks.

Our Penetration Testing Services Include:


  • Agile Penetration Testing
  • Network Penetration Testing (External and Internal)
  • IoT and Hardware Device Penetration Testing
  • Container Security

Do I Need a Pen Test or a Red Team Engagement?

Red Teaming Video
Watch Jeff and Ben explain the benefits and what might qualify your organization for a red team exercise.

Organizations with a high level of security maturity should, ideally, regularly perform both penetration testing and red teaming exercises.

Penetration testing focuses on exploiting specific vulnerabilities at a network or application level.

Red teaming goes further, providing a holistic assessment of how your people, processes and technology work together to form an effective defense against threats like ransomware and social engineering.

Learn More About Our Red Teaming Services


Agile Pentesting Ebook

Get Started on Your Agile Pen Testing Program with the eBook. Download now.

Agile Pen Testing: A New Paradigm for Application Security

Agile pen testing, or continuous pen testing, is a method for integrating regular testing into your software development lifecycle (SDLC), rather than testing at infrequent points in time.

Whereas, traditional pen testing impacts product release cycles, Agile pen testing works with your release schedule to ensure that new features are secure and don’t translate into risk for your customers.

Learn More About Kroll’s Approach to Agile Pen Testing


Ready to Plan Your Pen Testing Program?

Get in touch with our team to learn how we can help you build a pen testing program specific to your organization’s needs.

Safeguarding Election Security Through Penetration Testing

Safeguarding Election Security Through Penetration Testing

Discover how VotingWorks joined forces with Kroll to ensure the trustworthiness of its flagship tool, Arlo.

Read More

Frequently Asked Questions

Penetration testing, also known as pentesting, describes the assessment of computer networks, systems, and applications to identify and address security weaknesses affecting computer networks, systems, applications and websites. Some vulnerabilities can’t be detected by automated software tools. Penetration testing is a form of ethical cyber security assessment which ensures that any weaknesses discovered can be addressed in order to mitigate the risks of an attack. It is recommended that all organizations commission security testing at least once per year, with additional assessments following significant changes to infrastructure, as well as prior to product launches, mergers or acquisitions.

Web Application Penetration Testing Services

Assess the design, configuration and implementation of your web apps for critical vulnerabilities. Kroll’s scalable pen testing services consider the business case and logic of your apps, providing more coverage and an optimized program based on risk.

API Penetration Testing Services

Kroll’s certified pen testers find vulnerabilities in your APIs that scanners simply can’t identify. Protect your business and keep sensitive data secure by leveraging our knowledge and experience in testing modern API infrastructures.

Agile Penetration Testing Program

Integrated into your software development lifecycle (SDLC), Kroll’s agile penetration testing program is designed to help teams address security risks in real time and on budget.

Cloud Penetration Testing Services

Kroll’s team of certified cloud pen testers uncover vulnerabilities in your cloud environment and apps before they can be compromised by threat actors.

Application Security Services

Kroll’s product security experts upscale your AppSec program with strategic application security services catered to your team’s culture and needs, merging engineering and security into a nimble unit.

Application Threat Modeling Services

Kroll helps development teams design and build internal application threat modeling programs to identify and manage their most pressing vulnerabilities.