Michael Rigby

Michael Rigby

Managing Director and Tax Valuation Services Co-Leader

Michael Rigby is a managing director in the Valuation Advisory Services practice, based in Chicago. Michael is part of the industrial products industry group of the firm. Michael's clients include large multinational corporations, mid-/small-cap companies and private equity firms across a broad spectrum of industries, including advertising, aerospace and defense, automotive, chemicals, education services, industrial products, magazine and book publishing, media, oil and gas services, software and technology.

Michael joined Kroll (formerly Duff & Phelps) in conjunction with the merger of Standard & Poor's Corporate Value Consulting (CVC) with Duff & Phelps in 2005.

Michael has extensive experience in the general valuation of technology, trademarks/brands, customer relationships, contracts and other intangible assets, with significant experience in valuing industry-specific assets and liabilities, such as mastheads, subscriber and advertiser relationships, deferred subscription revenue, post-contractual support deferred revenue liabilities and software-based technology. Michael has prepared numerous valuations of businesses, securities and intangible assets for various purposes. His expertise is primarily focused on financial reporting and tax reporting requirements related to acquisitions, divestitures, fresh start reorganizations, tax restructuring and impairment testing. 

Michael holds a B.A. in business and economics (summa cum laude) from Wheaton College. He is a Chartered Financial Analyst and a member of the CFA Society Chicago.

Valuation Advisory Services

Our valuation experts provide valuation services for financial reporting, tax, investment and risk management purposes.

Valuation Services

When companies require an objective and independent assessment of value, they look to Kroll.