Matthew Donahue

Matthew Donahue

Managing Director

Matthew Donahue is a Managing Director in the Fixed Asset Advisory Services practice, based in New York. Before joining the New York office, Matthew led the fixed assets team in Amsterdam and prior to that he worked in the San Francisco office as a part of the machinery and equipment team.

Matthew's primary responsibilities include valuing fixed assets (property, plant and equipment) for financial and tax reporting, purchase price allocations, insurance appraisals, asset-based lending, fixed asset due diligence, fresh start accounting, property tax consulting, bankruptcy and liquidation studies, and impairment issues for various types of businesses.

During his time in the San Francisco office, Matthew’s work focused primarily around the technology, media and telecom sector, with a specific focus on the valuation of semiconductor fabrication facilities, data centers, photovoltaic cell manufacturing plants and telecommunications equipment. Since moving to Amsterdam, Matthew’s industry coverage has broadened, with much of his work coming from more general industrial manufacturing, industrial chemicals, paints and coatings, storage and logistics, animal nutrition and aquafeed, as well as liquid storage terminals, to name a few. 

Some of Matthew’s recent engagement highlights include the valuation of tangible fixed assets associated with over 50 worldwide chemical plants, with assets valued at more than EUR 4 billion (bn) out of the total deal size of EUR 10 bn and the valuation of six semiconductor fabrication facilities in Asia with a combined value close to USD 9 bn.

Matthew has been involved with valuations of both domestic and international business assets, with personal experience visiting facilities in over 20 countries including Canada, Germany, Japan, the UK and the U.S. Matthew is fluent in Spanish and has conducted over 10 site visits in Mexico.

Matthew received a B.S. in finance from The University of Denver with a minor in Spanish. He is also an American Society of Appraisers Candidate and has completed coursework for ME201, ME202, ME203 and ME204.

Kroll Expert Shares Insights With AM Best on Asset Management

 Kroll expert shares insights with AM Best on asset management

Kroll Managing Director, Matthew Donahue, Fixed Asset Advisory Services, recently discussed the impact of technology, inflation and regulatory changes on asset management with AM Best.


Listen to the Full Interview Here


Valuation of businesses, assets and alternative investments for financial reporting, tax and other purposes.

Fixed Asset Advisory Services

Kroll provides clients the transparency they need by identifying, managing, and valuing their fixed assets.

Kroll's Fixed Asset Advisory Services Experts Talk About the Span of Inflation

Kroll's Fixed Asset Advisory Services Experts Talk About the Span of Inflation

Matthew Donahue and his team of experts have written an article: “Is Inflation Here to Stay,” and talk about the current situation, impact on valuations and future trends. The article was featured on Netherlands Association of Risk & Insurance Managers (NARIM) website.

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