Lynne Weber

Lynne Weber

Managing Director

Lynne Weber is a managing director in the Valuation Advisory Service practice, based in Silicon Valley. Lynne leverages more than 40 years of consulting experience, with expertise in market analysis, market research, statistics, data analytics, econometrics, forecasting, valuation of contingent assets and liabilities, and risk management. She has served as an expert on surveys, data analytics, market analyses, pricing, and projections.

Prior to joining Kroll, Lynne was a managing director at Standard & Poor’s. She has also worked as a principal at PricewaterhouseCoopers and at Applied Decision Analysis.

Lynne has provided expert reports, testimony, and consulting advice in more than 100 complex commercial litigation matters, including patent, false advertising, trademark, copyright, trade secret, contract, anti-trust, and product liability disputes regarding market research surveys, market analyses, statistics, data analytics, econometrics, pricing, and projections of lost sales.

Lynne's expert witness work is supported by four decades of strategic value advisory experience. She has led more than 200 engagements involving analysis of marketing, market entry, pricing, product development, product design, product line, distribution channel, bundling, partnering, segmentation, advertising, warranty policy, customer satisfaction and/or business strategies. She has developed financial projections to support business and IP valuations and M&A transactions, including for early-stage companies. Her commercial due diligence experience includes assessing the achievability of projected results, identifying hidden assumptions, and quantifying the impact of key uncertainties on future cash flows. She co-authored an industry guide on the topic of valuing contingent consideration for financial reporting purposes.

Lynne has led more than 200 market research studies, conducted in the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Asia, with consumers, B2B customers, and distribution channels, for products and services in dozens of industries. She has conducted surveys to measure demand for products and features, customer choice, price sensitivity, switching propensity, brand value, feature value, usage of features and consumables, impact of messaging, attitudes, behaviors and perceptions. She has moderated hundreds of focus groups. She has conducted and rebutted litigation-related surveys and provided opinions regarding the use of ordinary business surveys for litigation.

Lynne has also led numerous forecasting, statistical sampling, econometric, and data analytics engagements. She has forecasted (or estimated in a "but for” world) demand, usage, prices, production, market share, losses, defect rates, product failure rates, warranty expenses, manufacturing capacity, and other quantities of interest to her clients. She has projected the impact of price and feature changes on demand and estimated the impact of alleged collusive behavior on price.

Lynne holds a Ph.D. in operations research and an M.S. in statistics from Stanford University. She also holds a B.A. in math from Cornell University.


Valuation of businesses, assets and alternative investments for financial reporting, tax and other purposes.

Valuation Services

When companies require an objective and independent assessment of value, they look to Kroll.

Strategic Value Advisory

Kroll helps clients enhance fundamental company value by optimizing their transaction, investment, growth and operational strategies.

Startup Advisory Services

Kroll works with innovative and disruptive early-stage companies around the world, providing startup advisory services related to valuation, business plan/financial model review, cyber security advisory, due diligence, and deal support.

Investigations and Disputes

World-wide expert services and tech-enabled advisory through all stages of diligence, forensic investigation, litigation, disputes and testimony.

Expert Services

Independent expert analysis, testimony, advice and investigations for complex disputes and projects.