Prior to joining Kroll, Dimitri was at the Financial Markets Authority (AMF) in France, serving as a financial expert on complex investment strategies and complex products, where he represented the AMF during technical negotiations at the European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA).
Dimitri has worked on many reviews covering a wide range of issues, including anti-money laundering controls, regulatory audit for inspection process, risk governance and framework, market abuse and valuation governance for private equity firms. He reviews firms’ governance and reporting arrangements, compliance and risk frameworks, systems and controls in order to provide recommendations on areas of weaknesses identified. Dimitri also conducts regulatory due diligence, assisting a broad range of financial services firms globally to identify sources of potential regulatory risk and communication within regulators.
Dimitri received a MSc in finance and economics and a post-graduate diploma in negotiation and strategy to influence from ENA (Ecole Nationale d’Administration).