When You Need to Know—Anywhere in the World: Independently Assessing Transaction Risks at Home and Abroad With Kroll.
In a world of complex environmental, social and governance (ESG) concerns, evolving fraud and cybersecurity risks, volatile cross-border issues and increasing pressure to find growth overseas, companies need greater clarity ahead of decisions more than ever.
Kroll’s Sydney and Melbourne-based Forensic Investigations and Intelligence (FII) team—working alongside Kroll Valuations, Restructuring and Cyber Risk teams—can provide that clarity, anywhere in the world.
“Kroll FII develops world-class, actionable intelligence for leaders facing uncertainty,” says Cem Ozturk, head of Kroll’s FII practice for Australia and the South Pacific. “Whether in high-opacity emerging economies or highly-regulated mature markets, access to a team with the ability to source, analyse and interpret decision-critical intelligence, or forensically investigate a potential internal problem, can be critical in avoiding bad decisions and making good ones better.”
Government and private clients alike rely on Kroll to provide independent, sophisticated assessments in the context of high-profile monitorships and in response to crises and disputes.
Kroll’s global teams can be commissioned from Australia to:
- Conduct class-leading investigative due diligence of counterparties ahead of a transaction, including ESG and cyber risk assessments
- Investigate internal fraud and corruption risks on the ground
- Trace assets, identify proxies and support counsel during litigation
- Examine supply chains for ESG/modern slavery and fraud risks
Deploying or receiving overseas investments, expanding into new markets and engaging with new counterparties can boost growth and diversify supply chains. But these activities also carry risks.