In an ideal scenario, businesses can reorganize themselves through voluntary agreements and re-negotiations with creditors. When this is not possible, schemes of arrangements can be used as an independent process to maintain business and continue trading.
Schemes of arrangement allow for financially challenged businesses to use legally binding structures to reduce their debt burden to long-term sustainable levels. Schemes of arrangement are undertaken through negotiated agreements with creditors and are a proven cost-effective means of reorganizing businesses.
Kroll has a strong, 40-year history of advising businesses, investors, institutions and state bodies in Ireland.
At Kroll, we focus on practical advice and strive to obtain rapid consensual deal agreement to enable businesses to progress and thrive post reorganization.
With our broad client base and deep expertise, we can successfully navigate and negotiate the competing priorities that must be aligned for a scheme of arrangement to be successful.
The core focus of any scheme of arrangement must be business survival and all parties to the negotiation must be brought together in a collaborative manner to achieve this goal. We find by focusing on collaboration throughout the process, the most desirable outcomes are achieved.
At Kroll, we are committed to turning ailing businesses around.
Kroll's Business Advisory team aims to help directors, lenders and stakeholders maximize value by providing hands-on practical turnaround guidance and support.
Kroll Debt Advisory works in partnership with corporate clients and their stakeholders to ensure the most effective and appropriate funding solutions are in place. We aim to become the 'trusted advisor' to clients and lenders alike.
Examinerships are a key option for businesses that are under pressure due to their overall liabilities, whether to banks, the Revenue Commissioners or general creditors. They allow the company to explore all possibilities for survival.
At Kroll, we believe relationships are an extremely important element in achieving a successful outcome to a receivership. We respond to our clients’ organizational style and we understand the commercial challenges that they face.